Whenever a place sinks into the #NeverTrump pit of stupidity, it never crawls back out.
Trump won because the left forgot how to argue rationally, and Trump knew how to make his supporters feel smart for not believing the paranoid moronic more-biased-every-day media. Trump outsmarted every leftist on the planet. At this point, he deserves America, and if he turns out to be half as bad as the libtards say he’s going to be, he’ll be kicked out in seconds. So why care? Why try to work people up into a paranoid frenzy, when that’s failed once before and it’ll fail again and again until the left learns how to admit its many flaws and mistakes and learn from them?
You know what you were saying about “the #NeverTrump pit of stupidity”? Things like “libtard” are the same thing on the other side. Do you seriously believe that that sort of terminology helps produce productive discussions?
Whenever a place sinks into the #NeverTrump pit of stupidity, it never crawls back out.
Trump won because the left forgot how to argue rationally, and Trump knew how to make his supporters feel smart for not believing the paranoid moronic more-biased-every-day media. Trump outsmarted every leftist on the planet. At this point, he deserves America, and if he turns out to be half as bad as the libtards say he’s going to be, he’ll be kicked out in seconds. So why care? Why try to work people up into a paranoid frenzy, when that’s failed once before and it’ll fail again and again until the left learns how to admit its many flaws and mistakes and learn from them?
You know what you were saying about “the #NeverTrump pit of stupidity”? Things like “libtard” are the same thing on the other side. Do you seriously believe that that sort of terminology helps produce productive discussions?